daha yüksek yer biçimleriyle çevrelenmiş, çoğunlukla alüvyonla örtülü, akarsuların derine gömülmemiş olduğu, eğimi az, geniş ya da dar olabilen, düz toprak parçası.
daha yüksek yer biçimleriyle çevrelenmiş, çoğunlukla alüvyonla örtülü, akarsuların derine gömülmemiş olduğu, eğimi az, geniş ya da dar olabilen, düz toprak parçası.
~ I had a good weekend last week, I met a friend of mine in the park, took pictures and chatted. Then we went to a cafe and had coffee. When I came home, I was preparing for my exam, the house was very quiet, my weekend was just as I wanted..
Honestly, I had a good weekend last weekend... It was very cold, I sold bagels outside. I made a lot of money. I contributed to the house with the money I earned. We combined my father's minimum wage with the money I earned and paid the rent.
Dede Korkut, Köroğlu, Danişmendname, Kerem ile Aslı, Âşık Garip, Emrah ile Selvihan… Örnek Yusuf u Züleyha, Ebu Müslim Horasani, Battalname, Leyla ile Mecnun…