Yarıyıl tatili ise 24 Ocak 2022 Pazartesi başlayıp 4 Şubat 2022 Cuma tamamlanacak. Öğrenciler ikinci dönemdeki ara tatili ise 11 Nisan-15 Nisan 2022'de yapacak. İkinci dönem 7 Şubat 2022 Pazartesi başlayacak ve 17 Haziran 2022 Cuma günü sona erecek.
and has Tom gets up at 07:30. Then, he brushes his teeth breakfast. He goes to school at 08:30. Then, he plays He has lunch at 12:00. He comes home at 14:45. He studies football with his friends. He has dinner at 18:30. from 19:30 to 21:30. After that, he plays computer games with his brother. 222 les He sleeps at 22:30. Answer the questions. 1)Does Tom get up at 08:00? 2)What time does Tom get up? 3)Does Tom brush his teeth in the mornings? 4)Does Tom have breakfast in the mornings? 5) Does Tom go to school at 09:00? 6) What time does Tom go to school? 7) Whakt time does Tom have lunch? 8)What time does Tom come home? 9)Does Tom read a book after he comes home? 10) What does Tom do after he comes home? 11)What time does Tom sleep? bu soruyu çözersiniz yapanı en iyi seçecem