kerem 19/6 m uzunluğundaki tahta çubuğu iki eş parçaya bölüp parçalardan birini kullanarak bir kenarının uzunluğu 1/3 m olan kare şeklinde bir resim çerçevesi yapmıştır buna göre geriye Kerem'in kullandığı parçanın kaç metrelik kısmı kalmıştır
clouds fog Snow storm wind rain lightning sun eg. It is hot and yellow. You can see it in the daytime. 1. They are white and grey. You can see them in the sky when it's raining. 2. If there is a lot of this, you can't see well. 3. It is cold and white. It comes from clouds Children can play in it. 4. It is strong. It is good to fly a kite. 5. It is water and comes from clouds. 6. This is very bad weather. It brings a lot of wind, rain or snow. 7. You can see it in the sky during a storm.