Soru: Ben Ben Doktorum. Bugun hastaneye gidince hemen ameliyathaneye girdim. Ameliyathanede benden yardim bekleyen Bir cocuk vordi. Hemen onlugumu giydim. Ameliyathaneye girdim. Cocok Balkondan dusmustur. Yeni doktor olmustum cok korkuyordum oradaki Doktorlar bana yardım etti. Cocok ameliyat haneden Sağ cikti. Ailesi de çok korkmuştu. teşekkir ettiler. stresliydim. Ama sonunda gunim bitmisti eve gittim. Yemek yiyip I hemen uyuyacaktim ama Hastaneden aradilarhasta varmis kostum çok yorulmuştum ingilizcesini yazar misiniz​

Cevaplar 1



I'm A Doctor. When I went to the hospital today, I immediately entered the operating room. There's a kid Vordi in the O.R. waiting for my help. I immediately put my ten-piece on. I entered the operating room. A lot of it fell off the balcony. I became a new doctor, I was so afraid that the doctors there helped me. He survived many surgeries. His parents were also very scared. they thanked me. i was stressed. But I finally went home when my day was over. I was going to eat and go to sleep right away, but they called me from the hospital, I had a patient, I was very tired

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