Soru: Şimdiden teşekkür ederim. A ) What causes sputum accumulation in the nasal passages? B ) What does lien mean? Please explain. C ) What is freedom? D ) What does hematology mean?

Cevaplar 2




A şıkkını cevaplıyorum;

- Respiratory infections such as colds, flu and sinusitis, increased sputum production and cough are common causes. Allergic reactions are another reason for increased sputum production. Even the consumption of spicy foods can cause excessive mucus production in the nasal passages.

B şıkkını cevaplıyorum;

- It is called the seizure of some of the debtor's property of monetary value in order to collect a receivable belonging to an individual or a public receivable by the state.

C şıkkını cevaplıyorum;

- It is to be independent.

D şıkkını cevaplıyorum;

- It means blood science.


Başarılar dilerim.




A ) It causes cold and flu.

B ) When the required debts are not paid, it means that the state penalizes our house.

C ) The state of being independent.

D ) Deals with blood science.

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