Soru: Boşluklara uygun kelimeleri getirmek gerekiyor ______________________________________________________ ruled -superstitious -motion- wisdom- characteristics astronomy- ancient -observation of stars- mythical period -estimating -depended ______________________________________________ Tamara is a nice girl; she is known for her 1) _____________ that everyone goes to her for advice. Almost everyone liked her. She just had one problem: She was 2) ______________; she believed in good and bad luck and that everything was 3) ______________ by the stars and the 4) ______________ of the sun and moon and by 5) _______________ the time the stars need to reach a certain point in space. She 6) _______________ on horoscopes so much and she couldn’t go out or even make a decision without checking her horoscope’s latest updates first. She started reading very old books that 7) ________________ civilizations believed had true information on 8) _______________. Tamara started losing her friends as she always judged their 9) _____________ based on their star signs. For a long 10) _______________ of time, she was always reading about 11) ________________ energies and their effect on our lives. She was into all of those so much that she lost touch with the real world and she was living in her own dream world and she was only into 12) ______________. One day, she got really ill and she couldn’t find anyone to help her. She was all alone and the stars couldn’t save her, keep her company or make her feel better. That day was the last day Tamara ever checked her horoscope updates. She realized that having people we love and trust in our lives is better than a thousand stars!

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