Soru: 1. Whichone is not a musictype? a) classical b) western c) folk d) samba e) pop 2. Amelia : I knowyoulovesinging. What is yourfavouritetype of music? Bailey : ---- Amelia : My favourite is hip-hop. Bailey : Oh! I can'tstand it. a) What is yourfavouritemusicstyle? b) I don'tlikedancing. c) I hatehip-hop. d) I loverock.Whataboutyou? e) No, youdon'tknow me. 3. A truefriend is theonewho…………………… a) supportsyou b) has money c) doesn’tansweryourcalls d) hatesyou e) forgetsyou 4. UNICEF workstoprotectchildren's ………………..andmeettheirbasicneeds. a)rights b)disabled c)poor d)volunteere) loyalty 5. I thinkthatwe ……….ashortage of water in thefutureas thewater in thedams is inadequate. a) have b) willhave c) had d) isgoingtohave e) wouldhave 6. My studentsprefer ………………tostudying. a) sleep b) tosleep c) sleeping d) slept e) sleeps 7. Mr. Williams ……………………takehobbyclassesafterschoolthanattendlanguagecourses. a) wouldratherb) wouldpreferc) prefer d) wante) wouldlike 8. Whichone is notabouthumanrights? a) equality b) freedom c) justice d) peace e) boring 9. Whichone is theopposite of minority? a)none b) majority c) all d) never e) always 10. My bestfriend is ………………………She is therewhenever I need her. a) annoying b) aggressive c) selfish d) helpful e)rude 11.Whichonemeansdifference in size, degree, circumstancesetc. nothavingequality? a) racism b) disadvantaged c) inequality d) refugee e) peace 12. Whichone has a negativemeaning? a) justice b) freedom c) peace d) equality e) disadvantaged 13. I havetophone Merve but it is toolate. I ………………..her in themorning. a) will be b) willcall c) is goingtogo d) willstudy e) am going to go 14. I think, Turkey ………………………thenext World Cup. a) will pay b) willwin c) willvisit d) is goingtoanswer e) is going to travel 15. A: Whatareyourholidayplans? B: I am………………….spendtwoweeks in Marmaris. a)will b) am goingto c) is goingto d) goingto e) will not 16. She has bought her ticket. She ……………………..visit Ankara nextweek. a) will b) is goingto c) aregoingto d) am goingto e) will not 17. I suppose, they …………………cometothedancecoursetomorrow. a) will b) is goingto c) aregoingto d) am goingto e) didnot 18. Therearenocloudstoday but I think it ………………….rain. a) will b) is goingto c) aregoingto d) am goingto e) will not 19. I hope, airpollution …………………….decreaseduetotheusage of bioenergyuntil 2030. a) will b) is goingto c) aregoingto d) am goingto e) will not 20. I expect Ahmet ………………..cometoday. a) will b) is goingto c) aregoingto d) am goingto e) will not 21. Whichone is an agreeingexpression? a) This idea is right. B)Personally, ……. c) Inmyopinion,…… d) I don’tthinkso. e) I’m sorrytodisagreewithyou. 22. Whichadjectivedescribeshair? a) fat b) wavy c) tall d) well- built e) slim 23. Whichonedescribescharacter? a) blonde b) black c) tattoo d) intelligent e) mustache 24. Whichone is a distinguishing mark fora person? a) curly b) wavy c) fat d) scar e) thin 25. A: ………………. B: He is talkative. a)Whatdoes he looklike? b) What is he like? c) How tall is he? d) How old is he? e) What is his hairlike? 26.%70 of theearth'ssurface ___ (cover) bywater. (present) A) wascovered B) will be covered C) is covered D) werecovered 27.The painting ____(sell) for ten milliondolars.(pastsimple) A) wassold B) will be sold C) havebeensoldD)weresold 28.I ____(sack) frommyjob! Whatdid I do wrong? (presentperfect) a) will be sacked b) havebeensacked c) wassacked d) won’tbesacked 29. Yourexamresults__(send) in the post (future) a) Weresent b)havebeen sent c)will be sent d) was sent 30. Ourplane __ (delay) because of badweather.(Present Perfect) a) wasdelayed b) havebeendelayed c) has beendelayed d) is delayed 31. Thedoor __(lock) so I couldn'topen it. (Past Simple) a)waslocked b)wil be locked c) werelocked d)arelocked 32. What time __ the post __ (deliver)? (present Simple) a) Will be delivered b) wasdelivered c) is deliveredd)weredelivered 33. Alltheseproblems __ (discuss) manytimesbefore. ( Present Perfect) a)werediscussed b) havebeendiscussed c) has beendiscussed d)arediscussed 34. We ___ (not affect) bytheflood, but ourneighbourswere.(Past Simple) a) Weren'taffected b) won't be affected c) wereaffectedd)havebeenaffected 35. You__(tell) whatto do whenyouarrive. (will) a) will be told b) won't be told c) weretold d)aretold 36.It was ___ nice toseeyou. a) such an B) so c) such d) somuch 37. Therewere __suitcasesinthe car. a) such an B) so c) such d) somany 38.Wedrove __ quicklytothehospitalthatweranover a cat. a) such an B) so c) such d) somuch 39. He was __ idiottotryandflyofftheroof of hoshouse. a) such an B) so c) such d) somuch 40. OMG! Theywere___ nice people. Weren'tthey? a) such an b) such a c) such d) somuch 41.____ he earned a lot of Money he died as a poor man. a) Although b) but c) as soon as d) when 42. I wasveryrudetohim ___ I rangandapologised. a) Although b) so c) as soon as d) when 43.I rant o thestation __ thetrainalreadyleft. a) Although b) but c) as soon as d) when e) 44. ___I wrotemyessay, I wentbed. a) As soon as b) but c)so d)while e)until 45.Remembertobrushyourteeth __ yougobed. a) Although b) but c) as soon as d) before

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