Soru: Choose the correct answers. 1. ____ class at 8.30 a.m. a)Always we start b)We always start c)We start always d)We are always starting 2. Don’t buy that computer now, wait for a month or two. Prices ____ all the time. a)go down b)have gone down c)went down d)are going down 3. We rarely enjoy______ when we go to the disco. a)myself b)themselves c)ourselves d)himself 4. Why are you so angry? Please, calm _________ and tell me what's wrong. a)off b)on c)down d)up 5. What's wrong with Jane? She ________ sad. a)seems b)has seemed c)is seeming d)has been seeming 6. I usually get up early, but I ________ early this week because I'm on holiday. a)don't get up b)not get up c)am not getting up d)am getting up 7. Most university students in Britain ____________ at home. a)living b)don't live c)not live d)haven't lived 8.‘I’m moving to London,’ she said. She said she ____ to London. a)is moving b)moved c)was moving d)has been moving 9. Sally ____ in France, but she lives in Spain now. a)lives b)is living c)used to live d)would live 10. These trousers aren’t loose, in fact they’re very ____. a)ripped b)baggy c)striped d)tight 11. My back hurts. I ____ on the computer all afternoon. a)am working b)have worked c)have been working d)work 12. I’ve ____ got home from school. I got here a minute ago. a)just b)already c)yet d)since 13. I ____ my job, so I’m looking for another one. a)am losing b)have lost c)have been losing d)lose 14. I’m reading a great book. I ____ thirty pages already. a)read b)am reading c)have read d)have been reading 15. I want to ____ this document to an email and send it to John. Can you help? a)click b)attach c)download d)paste 16. The garden is looking great at the moment. ____ on it? a)You have worked b)Have you been working c)You are working d)Do you work 17. They’ve just _____ a new mobile phone. I might buy one. a)run out b)brought out c)turned up d)hung out 18. I ____ my emails because my computer is broken. a)haven’t checking b)’m not been checking c)have been checking d)haven’t been checking 19. I ____ in the bank when the robbers arrived. a)stood b)was standing c)had stood d)stand 20. The film _____ when we got to the cinema so we missed the first ten minutes a)started b)was starting c)had started d)starts 21. After I’d spoken to Sarah, I ____ Mike to tell him the news. a)ring b)was ringing c)rang d)had rung 22. The mugger was guilty so the ____ sent him to prison. a)judge b)thief c)witness d)lawyer 23. Where ____ at 9 p.m. last night? a)you were b)you were doing c)were you d)were you doing 24. They committed a crime and were sentenced to do community ____. a)programme b)punishment c)service d)rehabilitation 25. What ____ when they saw the thief? a)they did b)did they c)had they done d)were they doing 26. I ____ go now, my class starts in a minute and I can’t be late. a)can b)must c)have to d)could 27. I’ve got a problem. I need your advice. What do you think I ____ do? a)could b) must c)have to d)should 28. You ____ talk in here. It’s prohibited. a)couldn’t b)shouldn’t c)mustn’t d)don’t have to 29. Richard is very ____, he never remembers anything. a)self-centred b)sensible c)conscientious d)forgetful 30. I ____ stay in bed because I was ill. a)had to b)must c)could d)should 31. Don’t worry if you haven’t got a ticket, you ____ buy one tomorrow. They’re still selling them. a)must b)can c)should d)have to 32. Can you ____ the table.? I’ll do the dishes. a)make b)clear c)change d)sweep 33. In your country, ____ stay at school until they are sixteen years old? a)must students b)do students have to c)should students d)ought students to 34. Kate is really ____, she’s always telling people what to do. a)bossy b)proud c)mature d)tolerant 35. In the future, it is ____ that more people will live in cities. a)probably b)certainly c)likely d)definitely 36. Do you want to go to the concert? I ____ the tickets if you want. a)am buying b)am going to buy c)will buy d)buy 37. There ____ another earthquake for months according to the experts. a)won’t probably be b)probably won’t be c)won’t be probably d)probably isn’t 38. People usually ____ a lot of rubbish. a)end up b)make up c)get through d)throw out 39. I ____ go to the party, I haven’t decided yet. a)might b)am likely to c)am sure to d)will definitely 40. Jon ____ play football tomorrow, he’s hurt his leg. a)will definitely b)might c)is unlikely to d)is going to 41. It rained a lot for weeks so there was a ____. a)flood b)drought c)hurricane d)tsunami 42. Mary and I ____ for a meal in the Italian restaurant tonight. I’ve just booked a table. a)will go b)are going c)are going to go d)might go 43. Don’t you think people should _____ glass and paper? a)deal with b)consume c)recycle d)head for 44. I won’t go to the party ____ you go too. a)provided that b)unless c)as long as d)head for 45. If I don’t understand my homework, ____ me? a)do you help b)will you help c)are you helping d)you help 46. If you ____ plants, they die. a)don’t water b)won’t water c)didn’t water d)wouldn’t water 47. That child is very ____, he doesn’t do what his parents tell him to do. a)playful b)arrogant c)changeable d)badly-behaved 48. I had no idea that Mark didn’t like apple pie. If I ____, I wouldn’t have made it. a)know b)will know c)knew d)had known 49. I don’t like any insects, especially ____. a)fleas b)storks c)bats d)snails 50. ____, I’d talk to Sally about the problem. a)If I am you b)If I was you c)If I were you d)If I would be you

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