Soru: 1.My classmate and I ... our teacher a a question about the test.a)askb)askedc)was asking 2.John wanted to ... work yesterday but he was sick.a)go tob)wentc) the park because they were very tired.a)no walkb)not walkc)didn't walk4.(A)Did you talk to your boss? (B)Yes , I ....a)talkedb)didc)was5.He ... twenty minutes for the bus yesterday.a)waitsb)waitedc)was wait​

Cevaplar 2



1b 2c 3c 4b 5b


1 b 2 c 3 c 4 b 5 b

Cevap: 1-B2-A3-C4-B5-Ben iyi seçersen sevinirim :)

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