Soru: ACİL Tell us what you did on New Year's Eve. What are your expectations from 2022?

Cevaplar 2



1. Soruyu cevaplıyorum;

On Christmas evening, my mother made meatballs and noodles for the people at home. And about 30 minutes after dinner, my brother and I ate a huge piece of chips. We ate a little chocolate right after the chips. But our parents ate big chocolate.. I turned on the music until 12 o'clock. When the adhan was read, I prayed to Allah. "My God, I hope 2022 will be a good year," me said.

2. Soruyu cevaplıyorum;

My expectation from 2022 is to have a wonderful year.



#İyidersler ❣❣



1. Soru:

I hurt my brother. I spent my whole day with this. In the evening, we made an omelet and ate it with my brother.

2. Soru:

My goal is to conquer the world with my friends.


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