Soru: Soruları cevaplarmısınız deftere yazacağım biraz elininizi çabuk tutarmısınız lütfen? ♥ 1-) What do you think a person with a mental disorder should do? 2-) How often should you take a bath? ( like 2 days a week..) 3-) How was 2021 for you?

Cevaplar 2



1-) Should go to psychiatrist. and should definitely use the drugs given by psychiatry.

2-) 2 times a week.

3-) It sucked for me.


Başarılar dilerim.



1) Can pay attention to sleep patterns

He can do things to distract his mind

Can do activities such as walking, sports

2)  Maybe 2 or 3 times a week

3) 2021 was a really bad year for me. But I think good things will happen this year



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