Soru: 21. Which one is an agreeing expression? a) This idea is right. B)Personally, ……. c) In my opinion,…… d) I don’t think so. e) I’m sorry to disagree with you. 22. Which adjective describes hair? a) fat b) wavy c) tall d) well- built e) slim 23. Which one describes character? a) blonde b) black c) tattoo d) intelligent e) mustache 24. Which one is a distinguishing mark for a person? a) curly b) wavy c) fat d) scar e) thin 25. A: ………………. B: He is talkative. a)What does he look like? b) What is he like? c) How tall is he? d) How old is he? e) What is his hair like? 26. Judith : What was the jazz concert like? Samantha : Most people enjoyed so much. I disagree with them, - - - -. A) by B) so C)but D) and E) however 27. Learning to play an instrument provides some benefits to you. For example, - - - -. A) you need a great amount of money B) you will have fun with your buddies C) it enhances your comprehension skill D) you are very good at playing the piano E) the voice may annoy people around you 28. Liz : I have two tickets for a jazz concert tomorrow.Would like to come with me? Sam : Honestly, I dislike jazz music. Liz : - - - -? Sam : Rock music is my favorite. A) What are your feelings about opera B) How often do you go to a concert C) Do you like playing an instrument D) What sort of music do you like E) What was the concert like 29. Adrian : Do you think the musician is talented? Sally : - - - -. Adrian : Really? Do you have another suggestion? Sally : If you ask me, we can go Melody Performance Hall. A) In my opinion, I get bored with staying at home all Time B) Because the sound system has broken C) I always prefer listening to rock music D) In fact, I don’ t like his performance E) I don’ t want to meet at a cafe 30. Emily : - - - -? Artair : In general, they live in Los Angeles or New York City. A) Where are you from B) Where do you live now C) What is your favorite city D) Where do famous musicians live E) How often do you go to Los Angeles 31. My cousin - - - - visit my granmother everyday because she - - - - hard everday. A) don’t/play B) don’t/work C) don’t/works D) doesn’t /work E) doesn’t/Works 32. The police got the - - - - of the murderer at the scene of the crime. A) dangerous B) fingerprints C) innocent D) beauties E) amazing 33. The doorbell rang many times but - - - - answered. A) everybody B) somebody C) someone D) anybody E) nobody 34. Many parents are completely - - - - about their children’s education and show little interest in it. A) sympathetic B) optimistic C) apathetic D) energetic E) ecstatic 35. Elizabeth never tells the truth whereas Julia is a reliable person, so - - - -. A) they have similar personalities B) Elizabeth loves people very much C) Elizabeth is more polite than Julia D) Julia is more honest than Elizabeth E) Elizabeth is more talkative than Julia 36. Christopher : Ann likes pets, but Alan dislikes them. Lauren : You mean that they - - - -. A) will adopt a pet B) have some similar interests C) may behave badly towards animals D) have to recognize the animal rights E) differ in their attitudes towards pets 37. Jacob : Are you free on Wednesday? Larissa : I’ m sorry, I am not. I have an appointment with my life coach. Jacob : Why do you need to see a life coach? Larissa : - - - -. A) I need to talk you for two reasons B) That’s why I have decided to see the doctor C) Because being too busy may kill your inspiration D) The real reason for my depression is your rudeness to me E) Because I want to set right goals and overcome challenges in life 38. When we lived in Antalya, we - - - - go to seaside to swim, but now we live in Şanlıurfa so we have a chance to swim only in the pool. A) used to B) use to C) will D) must E) can​

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