Soru: Thomas Edison'un İngilizce hayatı uzun bi şekilde acil lüftenEn iyi seçicem ​

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Thomas Edison, 11 Şubat 1847’de ABD’nin Ohio eyaletine bağlı Milan kentinde dünyaya geldi. Okula başladıktan kısa bir süre sonra algılama güçlüğü nedeniyle okuldan uzaklaştırıldı. Bu sebeple düzenli bir eğitim görmemiş ve evde annesinin verdiği derslerle eğitimini sürdürmüştür.

Küçük yaşlardan itibaren çalışmaya hayatına atılan Edison, telgraf teknolojisi üzerine araştırmalar yaptı. Kendi başına yeni bir telgraf aleti tasarladı. 1868’de Boston’da bulunan Western Union adlı şirkette çalışmaya başladı. Burada çalıştığı sırada elektronik oy cihazını icat etti, ancak pek ilgi görmedi.

1869’da New York’a yerleşti ve kendisini tamamen icat çalışmalarına verdi. Burada ilk olarak bir stok takip sistemi icat etti. 1877 yılında ise fonografı icat etti. Bu icadı ile birlikte artık dünya çapında tanınan bir mucit olmuştu.

1879 yılında kendi geliştirdiği ampulün patentini aldı. Ampulün mucidi Sir Humphry Davy olsa da verimliliğini artırarak kitlelere ulaştıran kişi Edison olmuştu. Thomas Edison, 18 Ekim 1931 tarihinde hayata gözlerini yumdu.

Edison; elektrik alanında 389, telgraf alanında 150, telefon alanında 34 ve pil alanında 141 patente sahipti


Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio, USA. Shortly after he started school, he was expelled from school due to his perception difficulties. For this reason, he did not receive a regular education and continued his education at home with the lessons given by his mother.

Edison, who started his career from an early age, conducted research on telegraph technology. He designed a new telegraph instrument of his own. In 1868, he started working for a company called Western Union in Boston. While working here, he invented the electronic voting device, but it did not receive much attention.

He settled in New York in 1869 and devoted himself entirely to the work of invention. Here he first invented an inventory tracking system. In 1877, he invented the phonograph. With this invention, he became a world-renowned inventor.

In 1879, he patented the light bulb he developed. Although the inventor of the light bulb was Sir Humphry Davy, it was Edison who increased its efficiency and brought it to the masses. Thomas Edison died on October 18, 1931.

Edison; He held 389 patents in the electrical field, 150 in the telegraph field, 34 in the telephone field and 141 in the battery field.


Thomas Alva Edison was born on 11 February 1847 in the USA (United States of America). He was expelled from school when he was seven years old because he was not successful enough. He became interested in Physics and Chemistry when he was ten. He started working at the age of twelve and opened a workshop with the money he earned. Lightbulb and kinetoscope (early version of the video camera) are two of his best-known inventions.

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