The film of Fast and Furious 7 is the continuation of the of the series of Fast and Furious. After defeating Owen Shaw who is brother of Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham), Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and his team have decided to live their life away from criminal activities and leave the bad things behind of them. However, Shaw's brother Deckard is determined to take revenge on those who have made his brother on coma and he has vowed to kill them.
Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) sees Shaw in his office hacking into his computer. And while trying to arrest him, battle startes between them Shaw gets a grenade out and Hobbs injured seriously. After then, Shaw calls Dominic and a package explodes in front of his sister's home.
Dominic visit Hobbs at hospital. And Hobbs asks Dom to promise him he will kill Shaw and for that reason the team is gathered again by agent who is known "Mr. Nobody" (Kurt Russell).
At that time a hacker, who is called Ramsey, has been captured by a terrorist leader because he wants to have God's Eye which is a surveillance system that can spot anyone at any place at the world. And team wants to catch them while they are travelling with high security buses.
They took Ramsey alive from that buses and learn from him where they can find God's Eye. After having it, the team learns where Shaw is. And they track him and found him. After then they get him arrested in maximum security prison.
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