Cevap: In a nutshell, while the world’s population is constantly growing, SDG12 is about decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation, increasing resource efficiency, and promoting sustainable lifestyles. There can be no sustainable development without sustainable consumption and production first.
According to the UN, if human activity continues at current rate, we will need 3 planets to sustain our lifestyles by 2050. We consume more resources than the planet can generate, and growing rates of pollution and waste only exacerbate the problem. Commercial and residential energy use is the second most rapidly growing area of global energy use after transport. Agriculture and the textile industry are the biggest polluters of clean water in the world. By 2020, the OECD forecasts a 32% increase in car ownership and expects global air traffic to triple, which will inevitably result in more CO2 emissions. And around a third of all food produced in the world is wasted each year, while millions of people suffer from hunger, mainly in third countries.
As natural resources are not infinite, we all need to learn to ‘do more and better with less’, at all levels. Individuals can apply small but impactful changes in their daily lives to reduce their own waste and carbon footprint. However, we are committed to achieve SDG12 because individual efforts are not enough; global and coordinated action is required to tangibly and sustainably switch to responsible consumption and production worldwide.
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