Soru: 6.The statue ….dates back to the 1st centuy is now on display in the museum. a)which b)when c)where d)who e)whose 7.I will ask Jim….comments I always depend on to read my article…..I have written . a)whom /who b)whose /which c)that/where d)which/where e)who /in that 8.The first athlete…..the race got a gold medal….was given by the minister. a)to finish /which b)finished /that c)to be finished/that d)having finished /who 9.Some of the students,none….knew that front gate was locked,tried to escape from the school through it. a)of whose b)for which c)of whom d)of which e)for whom 10.While visiting London ,we visited the museum…my fiend had told me. a)which b)that c)for which d)about which e)where 11.Einstein was born in Ulm,and spent his youth in Munich,….his family owned a shop….manufactured electric machinery. a)in which /who b)which /that c)when /which d)where /that e)at which /whose 12.The lady…..of stealing the purse was taken to the police station. a)accusing b)to accuse c)having accused d)to have accused e)accused 13.The woman,…….six daughters has a job ,wanted to know the reason …..she had got fired. a)all of whom/when b)neither of whom /why c)none of whose /why d)any of them/that 14.Mr Jack was employed by company beacuse he is not only a good worker …he also knows three languages. a)but for b)while c)as a result d)but e)although 15… this job effectively,one has to be very healthy and strong….he has to withstand cold. a)In order that /as b)In order to /because c)So as to /yet d)Because /since e)To /so that 16……the development of the smallpox vaccine,the disease was eradicated completely … many parts of the world. a)Thanks to/in b)In spite of /in c)As a result /on d)That is to say/from e) In case of /in 17…….had I fallen asleep when a crash woke me up. a)No sooner b)As soon as c)Hardly d)Regardless of e)For fear of 18……you ,darling,life would be meaningless. a)However b)Though c)But for d)As for e)Much as 19…….how much I eat,I am able to keep my weight under control. a)No matter b)However c)Even if d)whenever e)So 20.Burning coal is …..bad for the environment …..many companies have started to get their energy from the sun. a)neither/nor b)either/ or c)Both /and d)such/that e )so /that

Cevaplar 1



Aça)which b)when c)where d)who e)whose

7.I will ask Jim….comments I always depend on to read my article…..I have written .

a)whom /who b)whose /which c)that/where

d)which/where e)who /in that

8.The first athlete…..the race got a gold medal….was given by the minister.

a)to finish /which b)finished /that

c)to be finished/that d)having finished /who

9.Some of the students,none….knew that front gate was locked,tried to escape from the school through it.

a)of whose b)for which c)of whom d)of which

e)for whom

10.While visiting London ,we visited the museum…my fiend had told me.

a)which b)that c)for which d)about which e)where

11.Einstein was born in Ulm,and spent his youth in Munich,….his family owned a shop….manufactured electric machinery.

a)in which /who b)which /that c)when /which

d)where /that e)at which /whose

12.The lady…..of stealing the purse was taken to the police station.

a)accusing b)to accuse c)having accused

d)to have accused e)accused

13.The woman,…….six daughters has a job ,wanted to know the reason …..she had got fired.

a)all of whom/when b)neither of whom /why

c)none of whose /why d)any of them/that

14.Mr Jack was employed by company beacuse he is not only a good worker …he also knows three languages.

a)but for b)while c)as a result d)but e)although

15… this job effectively,one has to be very healthy and strong….he has to withstand cold.

a)In order that /as b)In order to /because

c)So as to /yet d)Because /since e)To /so that

16……the development of the smallpox vaccine,the disease was eradicated completely … many parts of the world.

a)Thanks to/in b)In spite of /in c)As a result /on

d)That is to say/from e) In case of /in

17…….had I fallen asleep when a crash woke me up.

a)No sooner b)As soon as c)Hardly d)Regardless of

e)For fear of

18……you ,darling,life would be meaningless.

a)However b)Though c)But for d)As for e)Much as

19…….how much I eat,I am able to keep my weight under control.

a)No matter b)However c)Even if d)whenever e)So

20.Burning coal is …..bad for the environment …..many companies have started to get their energy from the sun.

a)neither/nor b)either/ or c)Both /and

d)such/that e )so /that


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