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Cevaplar 1



özne->just->have/has +v3-> cümlenin devamı

özne tekil şahısa (he she it) (jane, zeynep, jake, ali gibi) has +fiilin 3. hali

özne I you we they you ise have + fiilin 3.hali

she just invited her friends to party

they just finished their English test

bill just sent an email...(cümşenin devamını yaz olduğu gibi)

I just bought a...

Bob just found a new...

liz just got...

we just read...

already çoktan demek. eylem gerçekleşti.

yet henüz demek, eylem gerçekleşmeti.

bu ikisinden birisini yazıcaz.

she has already seen the film

the boys have already broken the...

have they copied the test yet?

I have already sent a SMS...

tim hasn't been at the concert yet

she has already read an...

they haven't invinted their neighbors yet.

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