Soru: Ceylanlar hakkinda ingilizce bilgi verir misinizz alinti olmazsa iyi olur

Cevaplar 1



Merhaba,(Bu arada adım Ceylan)

The yhan River is the major rivers of the Mediterranean Region. The length is 509 km. It comes from the relatives of Elbistan. It forms a large delta in Çukurova and pours into İskenderun Gulf. The main branches are Hurman, Göksun, Söğütlü and Aksu Çayları. The Ceyhan River rises temporarily in November and December, affected by autumn rains. The monthly rate increases from 50 m3 / s to 380 m3 / s. It declines in January and then rises again in February. In the spring season, the rains and the snow in the form of rain burst again. It starts to decrease from May. Aslantaş, Menzelet, Sır and Berke Hydroelectric Power Plants were built on the river. It is an important stream of Çukurova located in the Mediterranean basin. The former name "Hyranus", Ceyhan in some sources, Device and Cahan in the name of Cahan, is one of the rivers in the south. The length is 509 km, the area of the watershed is 22,300 km2. It comes out of the Nurhak Mountain in the eastern part of the Central Taurus with the name of Söğüt Stream. It is fed with large resources 3 km north of Elbistan. Near Elbistan, Söğütlü Deresine, Hurma and Göksu merged and Ceyhan is named. It passes through the narrow and deep slit valleys of the Engizek and Ahır mountains and near the Kahramanmaraş and enters the north east of Çukurova. After turning Misis Tepeler, it flows into the wide delta that it brings to the square. It pours into İskenderun Bay. Ceyhan, along with Aksu, Çakur, Susas, Çeperce, along the way grows even more. The amount of water flowing in Ceyhan varies greatly according to the seasons. It rises temporarily in November and December due to fall rains. In the meantime, it increases from 50 m3 to 380 m3. Decreases in January. In the middle of February, they start to bubble again. In the early afternoon, this bump is quite increasing, especially in August and September. In the last 22 years Seyhan has been united and separated at least 6 times. There are many waterfalls and serpents in the narrow straits that pass through. The height of the waterfalls is 45 m. Ceyhan is rarely used in irrigation because of the fact that it is located in mountainous places

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25 cevap

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It is a small, beautiful-eyed antelope variety. He lives more in the deserts. The height is 1,15 - 1,50 centimeters. Many times the yellow sand is in color. The horns are bow-shaped. Men's horns are stronger than their teeth. The black lines descending from the eye flares to the upper dips show the eyes of the gazelle even more beautiful than they are. Therefore, the gazelle was subject to poetry with the beauty of your eyes.

Ceylan's motherland is North Africa. It is also found in some West Asian steppes. They live in multiplicity. It is also seen that they lived in triplets communicating with men, females and cubs. To protect against predators, male and female gazelles sail together in 50-60 groups. It allows the gazelle to hide in the place where the color is. European hunters may only be able to detect aphids from a distance of one kilometer. The locals can choose to drive the gazelles from 7 to 8 kilometers away.

The Ceylans leave one of them guards as they are ruminating after the afternoon. It holds both herbs and enemies around. As they perceive the danger, the gazelles escape and seek shelter from them. Ceylan runs very fast. Men protect females. Ceylan is not really as cowardly as he thinks. They have not been seen attacking people.

Male gazelles fight to get dental. It takes 5-6 months for a female gazelle to give birth to a single offspring. One year does not separate her baby.

People hunt more gazelles for their flesh and skin. Firearms in North Africa, traps in Central Africa, and birds and dogs in Iran. It is easy to tame Ceylan pups. However, it is necessary to protect the gazelles from severe temperature differences.


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