Soru: 5 Complete the adjectives. 1 Tim's never quiet! He's very t 2 She's k___ and always helps other people. 3 People think our dog is stupid but she isn't. She's very i _ _. t. 4 The film isn't interesting. It's b __ __g! e. 5 He doesn't like people. He's u______ y. 6 My teacher is f _ _ _ y. We laugh at her jokes. 7 It is u_ _ I for Sue to be sad. She's hardly ever unhappy. 8 I'm rarely u _ _ _ _ 1. I'm usually very healthy. 9 James is very s _ _ _ _ _ s and never laughs. 10 I'm not s d. I know all the answers! 11 It's a good book. It's very i 10 g. t Ele com speakou speako​

question img

Cevaplar 1


2 kind

3 intelligant

4 boring

6 funny

9 serious

10 stupid

11 interesting

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