Soru: Arkadaşlar cok acil! Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. When while 1. While they (surf) the Internet, I (finish) my homework. 2. While she five plates. (wash) the dishes', she (wash) the dishes she (break) 3. It (snow) heavily when she ......... (get up). 4. When the lift (stop) on the tenth floor, everybody ............ ..... (get out) 5. As I (cross) the street, I ............... (step) on some ice and ............(fall) and .............(slip) and ......... (fall). (slip) and 6. While the children ........ (play) in the garden, it . (start) raining 7. While he ...... (do) some exercise, he ............(hurt) his leg. * 8. While I (eat) in the cafeteria, he (see) an old friend. 9.While I (watch) TV last night, I ...... (fall) asleep. 10. When I ......... (come) in, last night, I ........ (read) a letter. 11. While we (have) a picnic in the garden my brothers chair he ............ (hurt) his leg. (collapse) and 12. As he ...... (repair) his bike, his screwdriver (break). 13. Your mother (do) the housework when I (callyou? 14. My uncle ................ (join the air force when he (be) eighteen. 15.He asked me why I (cry). ROS 16. When I (hear) the news on TV, I ..... (cook). 17. They (redecorate) the house when I ............. (visit) them. 18. While I (go) to work, someone .** (steal) my purse​

Cevaplar 2






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