Soru: ilk yapani en iyi secip takip edecegim bos yapanlar bildirilecektir​

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Cevaplar 2



1 -not take



4-not swim

5-not ride


Gøød Łuck❗

⛔not take: almamak

⛔not swim: yüzmemek

✔buy: almak

⛔not ride: binmemek, sürmemek

✔do: yapmak

Must zorunluluk bildiriyor, Mustn't ise yapmayaca

ğın şeyleri gösterir.

》You mustn't take food and drink into the museum.

❌food: yemek, yiyecek

❌drink: içmek

❌museum: müze

》He must buy a ticket before he gets on the train. It's important!

❌ticket: bilet

❌train: tren

❌important: önemli

》They must do their homework before they go to bed.

❌homework: ev ödevi

❌bed: yatak

》You mustn't swim here, Katty. The water is dangerous.

❌swim: yüzmek

❌water: su

❌dangerous: tehlikeli

》I mustn't ride my bike in the garden. Mum gets angry when I do that.

❌bike: bisiklet

❌garden: bahçe

❌angry: kızgın

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