Soru: 5 tane was/were olumlu-olumsuz. 5 tane was/werw soru. Bunları yapana 45 PUAN.

Cevaplar 2



neden insanları 45 puan vereceksin diye kandırıyorsun 23 puan veriyorsun

Cevap: ⭐Merhaba⭐


Olumsuz 'was'

-I wasn't a student.

-I wasn't good at voleyball

-He wasn't sad.

-I wasn't beautiful.

-She wasn't hungry.


Olumsuz 'were'

-They weren't hungry.

-We weren't go there.

-These pencils weren' yours.

-You weren't working.

-They weren't visited.


Was&Were Olumlu

-I was good at tenis.

-She was goot at basketball.

-I was eating meal.

-He was working.

-She was bad at swimming.

-You were a teacher.

-They were happy.

-We were angry.

-You were in the park.

-You were in the pool.


Soru cümleleri

-Were you ill?

-Was she happy?

-Were you in İstanbul?

-Were they hungry

-Was the weather could?

Kolay gelsin <3

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