Soru: Hello my name is sena. I wake up at forty past seven. I have breakfast I usually have jam, bread and cheese for breakfast. Then I get on the bus and go to school. On the way to school, I see houses for rent and for sale. In general, since our city is not a big city, the rents and prices of the houses are not very expensive. My school is very close to my house, but the reason I go with the school bus is because it is very cold in the morning. In general, it does not snow much in our province. It is very hot in the summer but not so in the winter. Actually, I usually like winter, but I'm very sorry that I can't go to thefun fair. My favorite ride there is the Ferris wheel roller coaster and the carrousel. I love the funfair . Goodbye !BU CÜMLEDEKİ İNGİLİZCE KURALLARINA UYMAYAN MESELA İNG EKİ FALAN GELECEK DİYE DÜZELTME YAPINIZ.LÜTFEN ÇABUK OLUN BOŞ YAZANLAR BİLDİRİLİR HESABI KAPATILIR.
Onur, tekerlekleri maknats olan arabay oyne kalınlıktaki üç farklı maddeden yo- pilmiş görseldeki gibi bir masanın üzerine koyuyor. Onur, arabay ok yönünde iti- yor. Araba: 1 ve 2. kismdan geçerken 3 kisimda hareket etmyo Buna göre üçüncü kısım hangi maddeden yapılmış olabilir?