GERS study about how teenagers communicate in he USA The study asked teenagers to rank the methods of communication they would miss Agry the most if they didn't have them anymore. The results are very interesting. Face-to-face communication with 58 percent comes the first, text a message with 28 percent comes the second and talk on the mobile phone with 5 percent comes the third. Another result is that teenagers typically keep their phone calls short: 53 percent of teens, 59 percent of boys and 47 percent of girls said their calls last less than four minutes. orised ried Video chats are becoming more popular according to the study. 23 percent of the participants said they are engaging in more video chats, and 83 percent of teens use video chats at least once a week. That makes Sense. It combines some characteristics of face-to-face interaction with the ease of technology. More than one-third of teen video carters said they use it for homework (just as the previous generation primarily used their mobile phones and home phones for opy homework). Finally, the study shows that teenagers se technology (especially the mobile phone) 95 the most popular social tool: a way of cared belonging
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Almanca Türkçe Sandalye: masa Kalem: Renkli kalem: İsaretçi: mürekkepli kalem: Zirve: Geri dönüşüm kutusu: akıllı tahta: Silgi: Yapıştırıcı: Daire: Bilgisayar vurgulayıcı: tükenmez kalem: Tükenmez kalem: Bilgisayar Almanca Türkçe Dosya: Fırça: mayın kalemi: Okul çantası: Karakart: makas: Beyaz tahta: Harita: Tebeşir: Kapı. Lamba: Kitap: Dergi: Kural koyan: Sözlük: Kağıt: Pencere:
Cevap: (4/7)*(21/8) 2. Kesir ters çevrilip çarpılıyor. Sadeleştirmeler var paydadaki 7 ve paydaki 21 sadeleşir ve payda 3 kalır. 4 ve 8 de sadeleşince paydada 2 kalır. Buradan cevabı 3/2 olarak buluruz. C