Cevap: C4H8in bir molünde 8mol H vardır. 0,8 mol H içeren C4H8i ise oran orantı yaparak buluruz. 8 mol h 1 mol c4h8de varsa 0,8 mol h kaç c4h8de vardır. 0.1 molde vardır. Normal şartlarda 1 mol gaz 22,4 litre hacim kaplar. 0,1 lt gazın kapladığı hacmi yine oran orantı yaparak 2,24 buluruz
ingilizce, şimdiki zaman konusuna uygun Türkiye ile Amerikayı kaşılaştıran bi konuşma hazırlarmisinız örk. Amerika tükiyeden daha kalabalik gibi şeyler yazınçok acil lütfen yapin En iyi seçicem
Hello, I am Nisa, I live in Turkey. Turkey is like a corner of heaven in the world with its natural and cultural values. It is a country to which they return with great admiration, regardless of who comes to the east, west, people and nature. Our country is one of the most beautiful countries not only in Europe, but also in the world, with its rich cuisine, natural and historical beauties. In this respect, we who live in this country should feel lucky. I hope everyone living in this country always keep this fact in mind. But our country is quite crowded. And we are having difficulties in purchasing the products.Hello, I'm Jack. I live in the U.S. The food culture here is from fast food. We have a big economy. It is related to the rich natural resources and agricultural activities of this country, but there is more highly developed industry here. On the other hand, technological advances in developing agricultural products allow America to produce larger quantities with less labor. In addition, thanks to the developments in the last hundred years, the United States of America is becoming a world leader in fields such as economy, military, technology.
ödemesini ya da kapıda karşılamasını yapmaıdğın bir kargonun geri şubeye gelmesi ve eğer 2 gün içerisinde alınmazsa satıcıya iade için geldiği yere gönderilmesi demektir.