Soru: Market üç kasa domates aldı. Domatesleri
6 müşteriye eşit bir şekilde sattı. Bir kasada
18 kg domates olduğuna göre bir müşteri-
ye kaç kg domates satmıştır?
Liquid ethylene oxide at 0 °C is evacuated through a circular pipe with a diameter of 2.5 cm and an average velocity of 10 m/s to the open air at a pressure of 105 kPa. The measured pressure (absolute) 20 m before the exit using a pressure gage is 192 kPa. Calculate the volumetric flow rate of ethylene oxide if (a) the pipe is horizontal, (b) the pipe is bent 10° up, and (c) 15° down from the horizontal (peo = 882 kg/mº and peo=6.35x102 kg/m*s) Assumptions: The flow is steady and incompressible. 2. The flow section considered is away from the entrance, and thus the flow is fully developed. 3. The roughness effects and reducing energy components are negligible, and thus the inner surfaces are considered to be smooth. 4. No turbine or pump in the system....