Complete the paragraph with a, an or the.
Hello, my name's Billy. I really like my
bedroom. I've got 1 bed and
2 big wardrobe and it is full
of clothes. 3
wardrobe is
next to 4
small desk
desk has got
orange lamp and
laptop on it. I do my
homework there every evening
after school. I've got lots of books,
DVDs and board games. I put them all
on 8
shelf next to my desk.
I've also got 9
cool orange
rug on the floor in front of my bed. My
cat, Molly, likes my bedroom, too. Molly
sometimes hides behind 10
door or sleeps in my wardrobe under
my clothes!
"Bir sayının 1 fazlasının çarpmaya göre tersinin 2 eksiği 3 ise bu sayı kaçtır?"sorusunun çözümünü veren denklem aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?A)(1/x)+1-2=3B)x+1-2=3C)1/x+1-2=3D)x-2/x+1=3E)2/x+1=3ADIM ADIM AÇIKLAMALI OLSUN LÜTFEN BOŞ CEVAP VERENİ ŞİKAYET EDERİM