Which match above A)! 2. Carlos wants to buy a mask about his personal traits. Here are the masks: Trust is important for Carlos, so he never tells his friends' secrets to others. He also gets on well with his friends and makes them laugh. His friends love him so much because he is always there when his friends are in trouble. 5. Kyl frie $6 $2 $3 According to the information above, how much should Carlos pay for the suitable masks f or him? A) $11 B) $9 C) $8 D) $10 6 KUTITE
5. Aşağıdaki cümlelerin hangisinde isim tamlaması kullanılmamıştır? A) Selam olsun bizden güzel dünyaya! Bl Atatürk'ün çocukluğu Selanik'te geçti. C) Türkiye bir turizm cennetidir. D) Kardeşim gök gürültüsünden korkardı.