Cevap: 3 terimlidir seçeneği doğrudur. ( 3x -4y -5) Sabit terim 5 değil -5’tir. Dolayısıyla ikinci seçenek yanlıştır. Kat sayılar toplamı 3 -4 -5’ten -6’dır. Üçüncü seçenekte yanlıştır. Yalnız I doğrudur. Cevabımız A seçeneğinde verilmiştir.
The name of my favorite star is Murat and his surname is Boz. He was a famous pop singer in Turkey. He is from Zonguldak Turkey but he lived in Istanbul. He is 34 years old. He is a tall man. He is 187 cm tall . He is thin. He is only 81 kilos. He has got a brother. He had green eyes and short dark brown hair. He was a talkative and enjoyable person. His favourite colours were black and white.
Acun Illıcalı was born in 29 May 1969 in Edirne. He finished his primary school education in Edirne. He entered his bussines life with he leaving from school. When he is 22 years old, he entered media sector and he started working as sports announcer on Show TV. After he worked long years he created his production company. With this he became biggest company.