G. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE WORDS. (10P)HAVE TO - HAS TO - DON’T HAVE TO - DOESN’T HAVE TO1. Tomorrow is Monday. I ________________________________ go to school.2. It is not raining. We ________________________________ take umbrella.3. She is not playing football. She ________________________________ take ball.4. He is ill. He ________________________________ go to the hospital.5. John and I ________________________________ wake up early to cath the bus.H. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH “SO” OR “BECAUSE”. (10P)1. I have Maths exam, ________________ must study.2. I use eco-friendly bulbs ________________ they are good for environment.3. We don’t g oto school ________________ today is Saturday.4. It is raining ________________ you should take your umbrella.5. She is hungry ________________ she must have dinner.
."Topkapı Sarayı'nın devlet idaresinin yanı sıra devlet adamı yetiştirilmesinde önemli bir rolü vardır." diyen bir tarihçi bu duruma, aşağıdaki kurumlardan hangisinin varlığını kanıt olarak gösterebilir?
A) Harem B) Birun C) Enderun
D) Divan-ı Hümayun E) Beylerbeylik