Cevap ABiri,diğerine 7 bilye verince bilyeleri eşit oluyorsa ikisinin toplam bilye sayısını ikiye böleriz; 94:2=47Ve sonra tamamen eşit olması için verdiği bilyenin sayısını 47’den çıkarırız;47-7=40Cevap A’dır
D. Rewrite the sentences below by using "relative clause" structure (who, which, where, when, whose). (5x5-25 points) 1. Ayşe is one of my best friends. She can speak English fluently. 2. Volleyball is a team sport. People like it very much. 3. England is a country. England doesn't use the Euro. 4. Monday is a day. Monday should be removed from the days of the week. 5. Al Pacino is an actor. His films are watched all over the world.