Soru: mademoiselle noir sözlerini atar mısınız rica etsem?

Cevaplar 1



A man came across this old tower one day

It was straight like from a book he once read

He lifted his head up and saw this young lady

And here’s what the lady said:

“Moi je m’appelle mademoiselle noir

Et comme vous pouvez le voir

Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis.”

Et c’est tout ce qu’elle a dit.

The man was so scared he could only run away

He ran to the town and then said:

“I just saw a lady with the longest dark hair

And I think she’s a living dead!”

The people, so scared, took their guns and their swords

They ran to the tower and then

They saw the pale lady and felt a great fear

When they heard how she said it again:

“Moi je m’appelle mademoiselle noir

Et comme vous pouvez le voir

Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis.”

Et c’est tout ce qu’elle a dit.

The people, they knew what this all was about

She was clearly a demon from hell

They decided to set her long hair on fire

In the end it would burn her as well

But the lady was no demon she was a lonely soul

Just like in that book they once read

Still waiting for her prince while her hair was on fire

The one last time she said:

“Moi je m’appelle mademoiselle noir

Et comme vous pouvez le voir

Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis.”

Et c’est tout ce qu’elle a dit.

Bu sitede türkçesini de söylemiş=

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