10 Listen and complete the song with these words. swam cruel monsters ground rode strange My wonderful dream I flew up the hill on a beautiful horse, through the Forest of Fear. jumped to the and hid in a cave, Afraid because dragons were near. ין a 5. I sailed in a boat on a beautiful lake, 1? in the light of the moon. Then mermaids appeared and reached for my hand , And sang me magical tunes. 4 Oh, princes, giants and generous kings, Old wizards and and queens Were with me last night, Are with me each night, They're there in my wonderful dreams.
aşağıdaki cümlelerde asılmak kelimesi kaç farklı anlamda kullanılmıştır?
1- yan yana *asılmış* tablolara baktık.
2- küçük çocuk annesinin eteğine *asıldı*.
3- yağmur başlayınca küreklere *asıldık*.
4- bu işe *asılırsan* başarabilirsin