Soru: (bud 3 Complete the questions with the comparative form of the adjectives below. intelligent high long bad enjoyable Ararat or a beach February or 1 Which mountain is Kilimanjaro? 2 Which type of holiday is holiday or a city holiday? 3 Which month is March? 4 Which animals are dolphins? 5 Which weather is cold? monkeys or too hot or too 4 Complete the questions with the comparative form of the adjectives below. wet dangerous easy exciting historic 1 In your opinion, which film is Star Wars or Harry Potter? 2 Which language do you think is French or German? 3 Which city is London or Dublin?! think London is older!' 4 Which animals are lions or rhinos? 5 Which month is March or September? I think it rains more in March.​

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Cevaplar 1

Cevap: Hełłø,☺

Kelimelerin anlamlarını yazalım ilk öncelikle.


hot: sıcak

good: iyi

boring: sıkıcı

small: küçük

bad: kötü


intelligant: akıllı

high: yüksek

long: uzun

bad: kötü

enjoyable: eğlenceli


wet: ıslak

dangerous: tehlikeli

easy: kolay

exciting: heyecan verici

historic: tarihi

⛔Singapore is hotter than Berlin.

⚠️My trainers are better for sport than your boots!

⛔I don't like history. It's a lot more boring than biology!

⚠️Luxemburg is much smaller than Germany.

⛔Alan is a worse tennis player than Ben.

☛Which mountain is higher. Ararat or Kilimanjaro?

☛Which type of holiday is more enjoyable. a beach holiday or a city holiday?

☛Which month is longer. Febeuary or March?

☛Which animals are more intelligent. monkeys or dolphins?

☛Which weather is worse. too hot or too cold?

♋Which film is more exciting. Star Wars or Harry Potter?

☯️Which language do you think is easier. French or German?

♋Which city is more historic London or Dublin? 'I think London is older!'

☯️Which animals are more dangerous. lions or rhinos?

♋Which month is wetter March or September? I think it rains more in March.

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