Harry Potter was born as the son of Lily and James Potter. He had a normal and successful sorcerer family. Buy when he was borning, Voldemort learnt something about his destiny and he decided to kill Harry. But his father and his mother didn’t allow this and Harry survived. He was the first surviver of voldemort’s attack. And it made voldemort nearly dead. After that Dumbledore came and he left Harry to his uncle’s house. Harry had lived there for eleven years. But when he had his Hogwarts invitation letter, everything had chanced. Although he was the son of most skillful sorcerer family, he hadn’t known anything about witchcraft and wizardry. Hagrid and Harry went to a train station together and Harry met with Ron and Hermione. They had been good friends and they had never left to each other. Time had gone and Harry learnt so many things about magic. But voldemort had been more powerful day by day. And one day he came back. After his return Harry Ron and Hermione realised that they have to make something to kill voldemort. With the helps of Dumbledore they destroyed six part of voldemort’s soul. They were horcruxes. And in Hogwarts war, Neville Longbottom had killed the last horcrux and they defeated voldemort. Harry got married to Ginny( she is ron’s little sister) and Ron got married to Hermione. They had children and they started a new, good life.Bazı yerlerde past perfect kullandım grammer açısından daha doğru olduğunu düşündüğüm için. Ve çok detay atladım biliyorum ama kaba hatlarıyla böyle. Umarım işine yarar, kolay gelsin.
6. Insanda protein sentezinde kullanılan 20 çeşit amino asidin genel yapısı aşağıda verilmiştir. H NH COOH R Buna göre, amino asitler için, 1. Proteinlerdeki peptit bağı bir amino asidin karboksil grubu ile diğer amino asidin amino grubu arasında oluşur. II. Amino grubu baz, karboksil grubu asit özellik gös- terdiğinden amino asitler amfoter maddelerdir. III. Amino asitler karbonhidratların yapı taşlarıdır. ifadelerinden hangileri yanlıştır? A) Yalnız B) Yalnız 11 C) Yalnız III D) I ve II E) II ve III
1 doğru direk kalıp bilgi 2 de doğru çünkü yapısında iki türü de barindirirsa ikisiyle de tepkime verir hem asit hem de bazlarla tep. veren maddelere de amfoter deniyo zaten 3 yanlış çünkü proteinlerin yapıtaşı aminoasittir